10 Safe & Useful Ayurvedic Tablets to Replace Allopathic Pills (Instant Relief)

In this video clip, I would like to share with you 10 Ayurvedic Choices to the most commonly made use of Modern Medicines. For this video, I went through distinct classical ayurvedic scriptures and furthermore consulted Ayurvedic practitioners and even modern healthcare doctors to bring across the optimum authentic information to you. Though selecting the Ayurvedic tablets, my primary criteria has been how popular the problem is confronted in day to day life, how straightforward it’s Ayurvedic products is and ofcourse the medicines should be safe for all body types.

In this Video Check the Following Ayurvedic Tablets

  • Kanth Sudharak Vati (replacement for vicks, strepsils)
  • Gandhak Raj Bati (for stomach pain, bloating etc.)
  • Bilwadi Churan (for diarrhoea)
  • Bilwadi vati (for diarrhoea in tablet form)
  • Mahasudarshan Ghanvati (for fever)
  • Shirshuladi vati (for headache)
  • Triphala Guggul (for constipation)
  • Castor oil (for constipation)
  • Laxmi Vilas Ras (for cold, cough, sinus problems)
  • Kamdhudha Ras (for acidity, piles, bleeding)
  • Amritdhara (for blocked nose, congestion in chest)
  • Divyadhara (amritdhara)
  • Vatganjankush Ras (for body pains)


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