Top 10 Indian Robotics Startups

India’s robotics sector is witnessing a transformative era, driven by innovative startups that are pushing the boundaries of automation. This article highlights ten leading Indian robotics startups that are making significant strides in various industries, from warehousing to agritech and kitchen automation. These companies not only exemplify cutting-edge technology but also address critical issues and enhance efficiency in their respective fields.

1. Addverb Technologies

Based in Noida, Addverb Technologies was founded in 2016 by Sangeet Kumar and his colleagues from Asian Paints. Specializing in robotic automation for warehouses, Addverb’s robots streamline processes such as picking and sorting. With a revenue of ₹450 crore in 2023, primarily from domestic sales, Addverb fulfills its vision of producing robots locally. In 2022, Reliance acquired a 54% stake in the company for $132 million, valuing Addverb at approximately $270 million.

2. Genrobotics

Genrobotics, based in Thiruvananthapuram, was established in 2017 by Vimal Govind MK, Nikhil PN, Arun George, and Rashid BA. The company addresses the hazardous practice of manual scavenging through its robot, Bandicoot, which efficiently cleans sewers, eliminating the need for human intervention. Despite the outlawing of manual scavenging, government data shows over 58,000 individuals still engaged in the practice, highlighting the importance of Genrobotics’ innovation.

3. Ati Motors

Founded in 2017 by Saurabh Chandra, Saad Nasser, and Vinay V, Bengaluru-based Ati Motors specializes in electric autonomous robots for cargo transport in warehouses. Their flagship product, Sherpa Tug, autonomously pulls multiple trolleys with a 1,000 kg payload and features a swappable battery for continuous 8-hour operation.

4. Svaya Robotics

Established by Vijay R Seelam in 2018, Svaya Robotics focuses on industrial and collaborative robots (cobots) designed to automate high-precision tasks, such as packaging fragile items and quality inspection. Svaya’s collaboration with DRDO to develop India’s own quadruped robot underscores its potential for significant military applications, including carrying heavy payloads and surveillance.

5. Niqo Robotics

Bengaluru-based Niqo Robotics, founded by Jaisimha Rao in 2015, is revolutionizing agriculture with tiny robots that precisely target and spray pesticides. Utilizing cameras with computer vision, these robots assess and spray in just 150 milliseconds, significantly reducing pesticide use by nearly 60%.

6. Gridbot Technologies

Founded by Pulkit Gaur in 2007, Gridbot Technologies is an indigenous robot manufacturer that focuses on solving human challenges through robotics. Initially developing an underwater robot for tank cleaning, Gridbot has expanded to various industries without VC funding, maintaining a cost advantage by producing robots at one-fifth the cost of competitors.

7. Sastra Robotics

Led by Achu Wilson, Aronin Ponnappan, and Akhil Asokan, Sastra Robotics specializes in robotic arms designed for electronic device testing. While traditional methods take 256 days, Sastra’s robotic arm reduces testing time to just 15 days. Their first prototype in 2015 attracted Bosch’s interest, leading to the development of an industrial model for testing car stereos.

8. EyeRov Technologies

Established in 2016 by Johns T Mathai and Kannappa Palaniappan P, EyeRov Technologies introduced India’s first commercial underwater ROV, EyeROV TUNA. Designed for surveying and monitoring underwater structures, it operates at depths of 100 meters in challenging conditions, providing live video feeds. EyeRov has served over 40 clients since their first order from DRDO’s Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory in 2017.

9. Miko

Founded in 2015 by IIT Bombay graduates Sneh Vaswani, Chintan Raikar, and Prashant Iyengar, Miko manufactures AI-powered robots for children. These interactive robots recognize faces and moods, engaging kids in activities from playing games to teaching math. Since 2016, Miko’s robots, including the latest Miko 3, are available in over 140 countries.

10. Mukunda Foods

Bengaluru-based Mukunda Foods, founded by Eshwar Vikas and Sudeep Sabat in 2012, began as a dosa-centric quick-service restaurant chain. To ensure dosa consistency, they developed the DosaMatic, an automatic dosa maker. Now a full-time kitchen automation provider, Mukunda Foods offers six food automation robots, including the DosaMatic, and has sold over 3,000 units across 22+ countries.


These pioneering startups are at the forefront of India’s robotics revolution, driving innovation and efficiency across various sectors. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and addressing critical industry challenges, they are not only transforming their respective fields but also positioning India as a global leader in robotics and automation.


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